Step 1: To prepare a company profile, it should be prepared
1. Choose the type of business to start a business
2. Prepare a notarized copy of ID card or passport of the members (for a limited liability company), shareholders (for a joint stock company).
3. Choose to name the company
4. Determine the head office address under the legal use of the company.
5. Determine the industry of business the company intends to do business.
6. Determine the charter capital to put into business.
7. Determining the title of the legal representative of the company. Regarding the title of legal representative of the company, it is recommended to let the title of representative as director (general director).
Step 2: Carry out the procedures for composing and submitting the new business establishment profile
After preparing all the necessary information we proceed to draft a company establishment dossier and submit it to the Department of Planning and Investment.
1. Prepare documents and procedures for company establishment.
An application for a one-member limited liability company includes:
• An application for business registration signed by the legal representative of the company (in the prescribed form);
• Draft charter of a one-member limited liability company the legal representative signs each page (1 copy);
• A valid copy of ID card or passport of the legal representative of the company (notarized ID card less than 3 months, ID period less than 15 years);
An application for a limited liability company with two or more members includes:
• An application for business registration signed by the legal representative of the company (1 copy in the prescribed form);
• Draft charter of a limited liability company with 2 or more members signed page by page (1 copy) by all members and legal representatives;
• List of members (1 copy);
• Valid copy of identity card or passport of members (for individual members). (Notarized ID card less than 3 months, ID duration less than 15 years);
• For members who are organizations: A valid copy of the Establishment Decision, Business Registration Certificate or other equivalent document;
Documentation of a joint stock company includes:
• Application form for business registration;
• Draft of Company's charter;
• List of founding shareholders of a joint stock company;
• A valid copy of identity card or passport for founding individual shareholders; (Notarized ID card less than 3 months, ID duration less than 15 years);
• For organizational founding shareholders: A valid copy of the Establishment Decision, Business Registration Certificate or other equivalent document;
2. Submit the application to the Provincial Business Registration Office where the head office is located (Article 25 of Decree 43/2010 / ND-CP dated April 15, 2010).
After 03 working days from the date of receipt, if your application is valid you will be issued a Certificate of Business Registration.
Step 3: Publish business registration content on the national portal
After being granted an enterprise registration certificate, an enterprise must publish a public notice on the National Business Registration Portal according to the order and procedures and pay a fee as prescribed. Content published includes contents of Certificate of business registration and information about the company's business lines;
Step 4: Procedures for engraving and issuing legal entity seal sample
After obtaining the certificate of enterprise registration, the enterprise proceeds to engrave the legal entity seal and post the sample on the national portal.
• Company's name;
• Business code
To avoid these complicated procedures, Tasco Company specializes in providing affordable and reputable company establishment services will do the above steps. You will receive a business license after 3 working days and a round mark company.
Above are the steps to establish a company
If you are not ready and do not have time to do the above complicated procedures, you can search for and hire a business license unit with a lot of experience in drafting so that you can receive a business license. joint quickly without having to spend much time and effort
Tax consulting firm TASCO specializes in providing company establishment services to perform the above tasks on your behalf. We will provide you with a company start-up service at an affordable price
Free support for procedure consultation after establishment.
Contact hotline 0975480868 for free advice on records, procedures, regulations
