• 11/07/2018 00:00
You are a newly established business ⁉️ You are in business but do not know the regulations on tax, accounting, invoices and documents ⁉️ You need to manage accounting books to make annual tax finalization ⁉️ You are having a hard time explaining your company's accounting data and reporting regime to the tax authority ⁉️
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  • 27/07/2018 00:00
Tax agent service is a service on behalf of a tax representative business, solving tax problems, being accountable and working with tax authorities on tax issues of the business.  
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Accounting data review service

  • 29/05/2020 14:21
Accounting data review service helps enterprises to quickly detect errors in the accounting book system of the Company, and at the same time give advice to complete accounting books to ensure compliance with regulations of "Tax management Law''
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Service of changing business license

  • 04/06/2020 09:00
In the process of doing business, enterprises can for some reason lead to changes in information of the enterprise such as: name, address or industry of the enterprise. The change of enterprise information makes enterprises have to implement some procedures in changing business license. Today, TASCO will help you to point out the points to note as well as the procedures to prepare for the change of business license.
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  • 23/11/2021 15:33
Tax finalization is a mandatory task in order to fulfill the tax obligations of the State. To save times and costs, please contact TASCO.
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Conditions for authorizing PIT finalization

  • 14/06/2024 08:00
PIT finalization authorization is a taxpayer's permission for an individual or another organization to perform PIT finalization obligations on behalf of a taxpayer. So what are the conditions for authorizing PIT finalization? Join Tasco Tax Consulting Services Co., Ltd. to find out details through the article below.
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  • TASCO company with the entrepreneurialism "Quick - Effective - Prestige ensure to provide best professional and reputation services.


  • With more than 14 years experience in the field of financial accounting management, Customers will be assured when using our services.


  • Managers and specialists who have tax agency certificate, chief accountant certificate with tax expertise knowledge to help customer save tax amount and reduce tax risk.


  • Lowest cost and no additional costs during the service time.


  • Free tax advice, accounting regulations, business law, ... during service time. 

Conditions for authorizing PIT finalization

  • 14/06/2024 08:00
PIT finalization authorization is a taxpayer's permission for an individual or another organization to perform PIT finalization obligations on behalf of a taxpayer. So what are the conditions for authorizing PIT finalization? Join Tasco Tax Consulting Services Co., Ltd. to find out details through the article below.
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Amending regulations on VAT calculation prices when transferring real estate

  • 03/08/2022 09:13
Decree 49/2022/ND-CP was issued by the Government on July 29, 2022, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree 209/2013/ND-CP guiding the implementation of the Law on Value Added Tax.
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Decree 38/2022/ND-CP new regulations on regional minimum wages for employees working under labor contracts in 2022

  • 27/06/2022 08:55
Social Insurance of Ho Chi Minh City guides the implementation of payment of social insurance, health insurance (HI), unemployment insurance (UI), and insurance for occupational accidents and occupational disease (HIC) in accordance with regulations. Decree 38/2022/ND-CP on regional minimum wages for employees working under labor contracts from July 1, 2022.
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Instructions for authorizing e-invoices according to Circular 78

  • 09/11/2021 16:44
The Ministry of Finance has just issued Circular No. 78/2021/TT-BTC guiding invoices and vouchers, which take effect from July 1, 2022. The Circular has specifically guided new points on authorizing e-invoices. Accordingly, goods sellers and service providers who are enterprises or economic organizations that do not directly issue invoices may authorize a third party to issue e-invoices.
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Tax exemption and reduction for businesses and people due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

  • 28/10/2021 16:38
On November 19, 2021, Resolution No. 406/NQ-UBTVQH15 of the National Assembly Standing Committee promulgated a number of solutions to support businesses and people affected by Covid-19.TASCO Tax agent would like to inform customers of the content of regulations on value-added tax reduction during the period of the Covid-19 epidemic, which is developing very complicatedly, significantly affecting the business results of the businesses as well as employees in the article below!
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08 note when using e-invoices according to decree 123/2020/ND-CP

  • 26/10/2021 16:41
Recently, the General Department of Taxation - Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 78/2021/TT-BTC guiding the implementation of e-invoices. Accordingly, the application of e-invoices is divided into 2 stages and is mandatory from July 2022 to all enterprises in Vietnam. TASCO tax agent will point out a number of points to note for organizations and individuals selling goods and providing services that need to understand in order to limit mistakes and violations of the law on e-invoices.
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